Friday, June 22, 2007

How To Find Buried Sprinkler Valves

Irrigation solenoid valves are the gatekeepers to your sprinkler heads.

They are connected to the water source for your irrigation and control the flow of water to each sprinkler "zone" or section. If you have a five zone system you have five valves.

Quality solenoid valves are built to perform under adverse conditions. They lie quietly in the ground doing their job year after year, covered in dirt and water. As with any equipment that is made up of moving parts, they will eventually wear out and fail.

Sprinkler valves generally fail in one of three ways:

* They will stick open and run 24 hours a day until the water source is turned off.

*They will constantly leak a small amount of water, known as "weeping".

*Or they will ...
MORE...Click Sprinkler Repair.

Copyright 2007. Craig Borglum CIC/CID/CLIA is a Certified and Licensed Irrigation Specialist in Central Florida. More information and articles on how-to irrigation solutions, click on sprinkler repair. Use of this article or any portion of the article requires the following link to accompany the author source "Craig Borglum CIC CID CLIA "

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